SemBT Semantic Types

Abbreviation Semantic type Relation count Instance count
dsyn Disease or Syndrome 2603234 12591865
aapp Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein 4345793 11503829
podg Patient or Disabled Group 199404 9258258
bpoc Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component 1392967 8711584
gngm Gene or Genome 3422406 6946503
topp Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure 991912 5108457
neop Neoplastic Process 802419 4650747
cell Cell 807092 4346530
mamm Mammal 456140 4230378
phsu Pharmacologic Substance 1100842 4226225
orch Organic Chemical 1550322 3485563
bacs Biologically Active Substance 951043 2922549
fndg Finding 592051 2906281
patf Pathologic Function 667378 2828014
popg Population Group 339502 2419899
aggp Age Group 179259 2191630
tisu Tissue 291668 1634166
celc Cell Component 349980 1606480
humn Human 94088 1537291
sosy Sign or Symptom 275794 1400138
diap Diagnostic Procedure 271705 1385473
orgf Organism Function 292346 1307166
inpo Injury or Poisoning 200300 1076107
celf Cell Function 370243 1004738
mobd Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction 186453 997544
medd Medical Device 231139 976946
blor Body Location or Region 121816 815859
hlca Health Care Activity 131293 804177
ortf Organ or Tissue Function 239274 783507
bact Bacterium 206093 740072
horm Hormone 196984 729328
lbpr Laboratory Procedure 180191 695736
virs Virus 129863 592618
prog Professional or Occupational Group 159164 573583
famg Family Group 103395 561050
hops Hazardous or Poisonous Substance 228022 544493
lipd Lipid 178580 530165
inch Inorganic Chemical 205395 530002
genf Genetic Function 160665 528710
elii Element, Ion, or Isotope 158070 520328
npop Natural Phenomenon or Process 128729 494258
antb Antibiotic 143940 469268
carb Carbohydrate 174876 444636
plnt Plant 105405 414415
anab Anatomical Abnormality 84672 392078
resa Research Activity 30846 372320
cgab Congenital Abnormality 103923 371013
phsf Physiologic Function 107332 368390
invt Invertebrate 76081 363812
acab Acquired Abnormality 76161 351394
imft Immunologic Factor 123209 346150
moft Molecular Function 173023 329157
anim Animal 62617 324249
fngs Fungus 72852 298041
comd Cell or Molecular Dysfunction 106122 286439
inbe Individual Behavior 25904 279711
bsoj Body Space or Junction 56163 279673
nsba Neuroreactive Substance or Biogenic Amine 84244 271569
emst Embryonic Structure 64781 265189
ftcn Functional Concept 5110 250907
orgm Organism 44452 230160
strd Steroid 65144 214202
hcro Health Care Related Organization 22721 178874
nusq Nucleotide Sequence 59228 177531
nnon Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide 74031 173703
enzy Enzyme 51917 170942
qnco Quantitative Concept 2698 152016
fish Fish 36724 148001
menp Mental Process 36551 144826
eico Eicosanoid 48272 134468
bdsu Body Substance 26715 125421
orgt Organization 10696 120266
inpr Intellectual Product 4548 116347
orga Organism Attribute 32863 105949
qlco Qualitative Concept 1735 104371
biof Biologic Function 31772 100227
chvs Chemical Viewed Structurally 43609 98439
grup Group 19996 98190
dora Daily or Recreational Activity 16213 93513
resd Research Device 5501 91873
tmco Temporal Concept 2088 89569
irda Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid 52257 87323
amph Amphibian 12649 81813
idcn Idea or Concept 3196 69411
rcpt Receptor 26323 69093
food Food 17574 63798
emod Experimental Model of Disease 16886 63441
chem Chemical 18593 59075
spco Spatial Concept 1861 55146
geoa Geographic Area 2859 52552
opco Organophosphorus Compound 21406 49970
bodm Biomedical or Dental Material 32554 49278
chvf Chemical Viewed Functionally 15663 48482
clas Classification 2768 45836
bird Bird 9318 40544
vtbt Vertebrate 6755 37554
alga Alga 9949 35062
clnd Clinical Drug 16182 34257
rept Reptile 9892 33164
edac Educational Activity 5207 32183
bmod Biomedical Occupation or Discipline 10164 29746
mnob Manufactured Object 2338 28805
ocac Occupational Activity 4781 27678
arch Archaeon 8093 27171
sbst Substance 5481 26289
mbrt Molecular Biology Research Technique 3913 24279
rnlw Regulation or Law 2875 22972
anst Anatomical Structure 4259 22777
ocdi Occupation or Discipline 6384 21832
rich Rickettsia or Chlamydia 5407 18639
clna Clinical Attribute 4867 17740
phpr Phenomenon or Process 3980 17689
lbtr Laboratory or Test Result 6432 15702
socb Social Behavior 1697 13360
vita Vitamin 5589 11800
gora Governmental or Regulatory Activity 2467 10483
ffas Fully Formed Anatomical Structure 1386 6273
bdsy Body System 2516 5396
evnt Event 429 4840
grpa Group Attribute 236 2948
lang Language 210 2285
mcha Machine Activity 1094 2272
eehu Environmental Effect of Humans 229 1658
shro Self-help or Relief Organization 444 1384
amas Amino Acid Sequence 287 1021
acty Activity 147 882
pros Professional Society 291 679
cnce Conceptual Entity 69 433
bhvr Behavior 146 415
hcpp Human-caused Phenomenon or Process 81 325
mosq Molecular Sequence 119 190
drdd Drug Delivery Device 86 121
phob Physical Object 14 74